تعلن شركة Bentley Systems عن استحواذها
Feb 25, 2023
Feb. 23, 2023 - Bentley Systems, the infrastructure engineering software company, announced it has acquired EasyPower, a leading developer of design and analysis software tools, including arc flash solutions, for electrical engineering professionals. Since its founding in 1984, Portland, Oregon-based EasyPower has innovatively combined graphics-based modeling and analysis in order to make solving complex electrical engineering problems ever more straightforward and accessible. EasyPower products are primarily used for designing, analyzing, and monitoring power distribution systems serving industrial and commercial facilities, to ensure safety, reliability, and regulatory compliance. Bentley’s acquisition of EasyPower, to extend integrated and iterative power systems design and analysis for infrastructure digital twins of every type, broadens its comprehensiveness in infrastructure engineering. With an increasingly electrified future and with disparate and widely distributed energy resources on both sides of “the meter,” all infrastructure assets will benefit–in performance, economics, safety and resilience–from continued simulation and assessment of power distribution conditions and designs over their project and operating lifecycles. Priorities for Bentley Systems will include integrating EasyPower’s schema and digital workflows with Bentley’s OpenBuildings, OpenFlows, OpenPlant, OpenRail, and Bentley Raceway and Cable Management applications. CEO Greg Bentley said, “All infrastructure projects and assets have power distribution systems, which are too frequently analyzed using unnecessarily complicated software that is disconnected from 3D/4D BIM and digital twin workflows. By incorporating EasyPower within our design and modeling portfolio, and our iTwin Platform, we can help enable the distribution systems powering infrastructure to be more readily adapted to new imperatives for sustainability and resilience, while making electrical safety assurance more ubiquitous, accessible, and evergreen.” قال الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة EasyPower ، كيفين بيتس ، "يسعدنا أن ننضم إلى شركة Bentley Systems في هذه المرحلة من التحول للطاقة الكهربائية في البنية التحتية وفي التوائم الرقمية للبنية التحتية. منذ ما يقرب من 40 عامًا ، تعمل EasyPower على تبسيط مشاكل الهندسة الكهربائية المعقدة ومساعدة عملائنا على إكمال المهمة التي يقومون بها بثقة. كان هدفنا جعل الكهرباء أكثر سهولة وموثوقية وأمانًا في الاستخدام. داخل أنظمة Bentley ومن أجلها ، يمكننا الآن توسيع نطاق وصول EasyPower إلى حد كبير - في جميع أنحاء العالم ، عبر قطاعات البنية التحتية ، وعبر دو
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